Detail mode

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Planbook offers a Detail mode for editing lessons. The benefits of this mode are a larger set of text boxes for lesson entry as well as a nifty mechanism for sequentially navigating through an entire course or unit of lessons.

There are three ways to enter the detail mode:

  1. Double Click a Lesson View from the Day, Week or Month views.
  2. Use the View-->Detail Mode menu item (or keyboard shortcut - Command + Shift + L).
  3. Click on a unit name in the left side sidebar (read more about units).

Once you have entered Detail mode, you'll see a screen similar to the one below:

Detail view showing lessons at the top and editing boxes below


Detail Mode Overview

At the top of the detail mode, you'll see a horizontally scrolling list of lessons found in the selected course. You can click any of these lessons to select it and you'll notice the selected lesson is outlined in red.


Below the scrolling list of lessons, you'll see a similar set of text fields. You can edit the lesson title and all other text fields from this view. You can also give yourself more space to edit by hiding unused fields. To hide an unused field, click the disclosure triange (►). The fields will automatically resize as you show and hide fields.


Editing text from the detail mode is otherwise identical to the methods found in the Planning Mode

Changing the Course or Unit Displayed

You can easily change the course that's being displayed using the pop up menu at the top of the Detail mode. Changing the course will result in all of the lessons in the newly selected course being available in the scrolling view at the top of the screen.


Changing the selected unit will result in only the lessons added to a particular unit being available in the top scrolling view.


Assignments, Attachments, Standards and Lesson Details

The Detail mode can also be used to create assignments, attach files and web links, apply standards to a lesson, add a lesson to a unit or tag lessons.

Return to Planning Mode

You can exit the detail mode and return to planning mode using either of these two methods

  1. Click the "Return To Planning Mode" Button Returntoplanning.png
  2. Use the View-->Planning Mode menu item (or keyboard shortcut: command + shift + R)
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